Sunday, November 9, 2014

Latest Update

I am extremely sorry for not starting on this or even thinking about it..been slacking way too hard lately. But, I'm currently studying hardcore for my exam tomorrow so hopefully I'll have some time in between exams and assignments. Yes, if you're wondering I am still in high school; currently a sophomore and working my way up till graduation even though it pretty far away in retrospect. the reason for always being so busy is mainly AP World History...when I signed up I had NO idea what the work load was going to be like or even how to study or anything! I was practically a newbie with my very limited knowledge on any of the material being covered. But, despite such hardships, I actually quite enjoy the goals isn't to become valedictorian or to even pass all classes with straight A's; although,  wouldn't complain if it were to happen, the only goal I have for myself is to try my hardest and learn to comply with myself. Grades mean nothing if there's no learning going on behind it. Personally, allot of my classmates are obsessed with grades so they can get into there dream school, etc. Grades or test scores for matter of fact don't even determine a person's amount of intelligence...I can pretty much assure you, we don't know the 'real' reason behind any of the information we receive. Sure, we can discuss it and use it to the best of our abilities to pass a quiz or two but, what does that really matter? I have high aspirations for myself, and I don't care what a grade says about me...nothing depicts/and or applies to me but my own opinion. I'd rather make straight c's and know what's actually going on than to force my grades. 
Anyways, I wasn't planning on ranting today but I guess I just have (lol). I just wanted to get on here and finally say I from now on will start blogging onto this blog. So, 'what is this blog going to be about?' Well, I guess you could say a little bit about everything; as long as I can write and express myself through words, I'm happy. So, from the top of my head i'm thinking of blogging over a few topics in mind (aka): health, beauty, equal rights, my own opinions and reviews, etc. Oh and I'm also thinking of just making this a whenever possible things so don't expect a post every day or at a certain time at a certain day since, I do get writers block sometimes. Either way, I will be using this blog from now on; I just wanted to get on here and give a final report as to whether I will or not be using it.

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